L&D Vision & Engagement Model


The L&D Vision & Approach PowerPoint helps a BEM explain how L&D adds business value and how it engages with the business.


As Adelsberg and Trolley say in Running Training Like a Business, many business leaders are sold on learning but not on training. Business leaders who may be used to dealing with an L&D organization before it implemented the BEM role may be skeptical of whether and how L&D can serve as a proactive partner.

The Vision & Approach PowerPoint can help with the change management effort of implementing the BEM role. It can also help BEMs start building their relationship with new business leaders as they enter their roles. The powerpoint is a useful tool to help BEMs across a company present a compelling and consistent vision for how L&D can help business generated demonstrated results.

L&D Mission

We provide an example based on the notion that many companies desire a L&D organization that:

  • Proactively engages with the business
  • Educates business on how to best leverage L&D
  • Adapts to the business as it needs change
  • Provides effective solutions, evaluates results, and adjusts as needed
  • Maintains efficient operations and, therefore, reasonable costs